Sunday, April 17, 2022

Dinner & a Movie

Roses anyone? 
Inspired by the movie, Edward Scissorhands (1990)

The photograph conveys emotions of discomfort and uncertainty. The purpose of having the dying roses as the centerpiece is to represent an innocence that has yet to truly fade. The older style tray and the modern blue scissors were incorporated to provide a sense of style contrast, that elements from different time periods are still able to work together cohesively; some things will never vanish. The scissors and skewers were laid out to be slightly askew in order to have the "creepy" factor. Almost a surgical appearance, as the protagonist, Edward, was merely an invention. All of the sharp objects imply that those are the utensils/essential tools, there is nothing else in sight. The knives in the upper right hand corner contribute to the idea of isolation; being forced to fend for yourself. Having the background being dirt/mulch contributes to the overall unsettling theme of the piece. It could be interpreted as returning to the roots of a cause or even a burial of sorts - it's up to the viewer to decide. 

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Gregor's Room

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